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This page highlights the teaching books and materials that Professor has created or co-authored. It also illustrates his creative course designs.


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Anchor 1


Foundations of Investments

Foundations of Investments


Troy Adair and John Nofsinger 


Cengage, 2024 

The Biology of Investing

Nature, Nurture, Physiology, & Cognition


John Nofsinger and Corey Shank

Routledge 2020

(Also translated into Chinese)

The Biology of Investing by John Nofsinger
Finance: applications and theory by Marcia Cornett, Troy Adair and John Nofsinger

Finance: Applications & Theory, 6e


Marcia Cornett, Troy Adair, and John Nofsinger


McGraw-Hill, 2023 (5e, 2020; 4e, 2018; 3e, 2014; 2e, 2012; 1st edition, 2009)


(Also translated into Portuguese and Chinese)


View on Amazon:

Chinese version of Finance: applications and theory

M - Finance, 5e


Marcia Cornett, Troy Adair, and John Nofsinger


McGraw-Hill,  2022 (4e, 2019: 3e, 2016; 2e, 2014; 1st edition, 2012)


View on Amazon:

M Finance by Cornett, Adair, and Nofsinger
The Psychology of Investing book by John Nofsinger

The Psychology of Investing, 7e


John Nofsinger

Routledge, 2022 (6e, 2018)

Pearson  (5e, 2014; 4e, 2011; 3e, 2008; 2e, 2005; 1st edition, 2002)


(Also translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Thai, and Turkish) 


View on Amazon:

Corporate Governance, 3e


Kenneth Kim, John Nofsinger, and Derek Mohr


Prentice Hall, 2009  (2nd edition, 2006; 1st edition, 2004)


(Also translated into Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese)


***Pearson is no longer supporting this book. Ken Kim and I own the copyright, contact me for books or to make copies.***

Corporate Governance textbook

Investments: Analysis and Behavior, 2e


Mark Hirschey and John Nofsinger 


McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2009  (1st edition, 2006)


(Also translated into Chinese)

Anchor 2


Lecture Videos


Dr. Nofsinger makes lecture videos using Camtasia for his distance courses.


He has made regular videos and ones with interactive decision points for McGraw-Hill and available on their student resource website.


Interactive Spreadsheets



Course Materials


Dr. Nofsinger has made course materials for courses in programs around the world, like this scriptum for the Centre for Sustainabillity Management at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


Anchor 3



Doctoral Course taught:


Emprical Methods

Behavioral Finance

International Finance

Corporate Governance


Masters Courses:



Security Valuation and Financial Engineering

Portfolio Theory and Risk Management

Corporate Finance


Undergraduate Courses:


Corporate Finance


Personal Finance

Entrepreneurial Finance

Portfolio Theory and Risk Management

International Business




University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Al Yamamah University (Saudi Arabia)

Cesar Ritz College (Switzerland)

Southwest University of Finance and Economics (China)

Crete and Kamena Vourla (Greece)


Online Courses:


Undergraduate courses in:


  Corporate Finance (University of Alaska Anchorage)


  Corporate Finance (WSU to students in Switzerland)


  Entrepreneurial Finance (Washington State University)


Masters courses in:


  Corporate Finance courses for Washington State University's Online MBA (and executive) Programs.

- He designed and taugh the inaugural finance courses

- Ranked #1, U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools in 2014, for "Top Online MBA Schools."


  Corporate Finance (taught remotely at WSU to students at the Tri-Cities Campus)


  Investments (Washington State University)




He designed and taught classes for time periods of semester, quarter, 7-week, 5-week, 3-week, and 1-week.

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